H. Okuda, K. Kintsu , S. Kurokawa, M. Tabuchi, H. Nitani,
H. Kimizuka,, S. Inoue, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, “Nanoclusters in stacking faults in Mg-Y-Zn alloys examined by small-angle X-ray scattering and extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis” Acta Materialia 253 (2023) 118963.
K. Kikuchi, S. Kurokawa, Yu-ki Taninouchi, “Atomically Resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Cleaved Chalcopyrite Surface”MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 64 (2023) 2748.
R. Gholizadeh , S. Yoshida a, Y. Bai , S. Kurokawa , A. Shibata,
N. Tsuj
“Global understanding of deformation behavior in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy under high-strain torsion deformation at a wide range of elevated temperatures”
Acta Materialia 243 (2023) 118514.
R. Tanaka, T. Kishimoto, T. Yoshimura, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, J. Kawai
“Relation between Sample Area and Accuracy of STM: What Causes the Difficulty in Quantitative Elemental Analysis?”
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 18, 28 (2020).
T. Umemura, Y. Yamaguchi, and S. Kurokawa,
“Method combining scanning tunneling microscopy and atom probe tomography for observing inside of materials”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 58, 066501 (2019).
K. Takeuchi, K. Yuge, S. Tabata, H. Saito, S. Kurokawa & A. Sakai , “Accurate estimation of a phase diagram from a single STM image” Sci. Rep. 8, Art. 6841 (2018).
S. Wakasugi, S. Kurokawa. H. Kim, Y. Hasegawa, and A. Sakai, “Break voltage of Au single-atom contacts formed by junction closure” J. Appl. Phys. 121, Art. 244304 (2017).
S. Wakasugi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai “Jump to contact of hcp nanowires”, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, Art. 128002 (2016).
N. Fujita, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Formation of icosahedral nanowires”, Phys. Status. Solidi B 253, 1149 (2016).
S. Kurokawa, D. Yamamoto, K. Hirashige, and A. Sakai, “Possible formation of one-dimensional chains of C20 fullerenes observed by scanning tunneling microscopy” Applied Physics Express, 9, Art. 049201 (2016).
N. Parveen, Y. Ishino, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Single-atom conductance of Y ” PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 488, 57 (2016).
S. Wakasugi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Jump to contact of hcp nanowires”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55, 128002 (2016).
S. Aoyama, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “High-frequency signal transmission through single-atom contacts of Au and Pt” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 106, Art. 123507 (2015).
N. Parveen, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “On the Single-Atom Conductance of Ti”
H. Kimizuka, S. Kurokawa, A. Yamaguchi, A. Sakai, and S. Ogata, “Two-Dimensional Ordering of Solute Nanoclusters at a Close-Packed Stacking Fault: Modeling and Experimental Analysis” SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4 , Art. 7318 ( 2014).
A. Takahashi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai,”Molecular dynamics simulation of the break of magnesium nanowires” PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 251,1363 (2014).
T. Sagisaka, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai,”Conductance of Au/1,4-benzenedicarbothioamide/Au molecular junctions: A proposal for a potential linker” CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 595 , 167 (2014).
S. Kurokawa, A. Yamaguchi, and A. Sakai, “An Attempt to Image Chemical Ordering in Close-Packed Layer of Mg-Zn-Y 18R Long-Period Stacking-Ordered Structure by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy” MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 54, 1073 (2013).
K. Horiguchi, T. Sagisaka, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Electron transport through Ni/1,4-benzenedithiol/Ni single-molecule junctions under magnetic field” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 113, Art. 144313 (2013).
K. Yamauchi, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, “Admittance of Au/1,4-benzenedithiol/Ausingle-molecule junctions” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, Art. 253510 (2012).
A. Takahashi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Formation of atom-sized contacts of Mg and Mg alloys at room temperature” PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 209, 2151 (2012).
Y. Moriguchi, K. Yamauchi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, ” Conductance of atom-sized contacts of transition metals at room temperature” SURFACE SCIENCE, 606, 928 (2012).
K. Kobayashi, S. Kurokawa, S. Hasegawa, A. Sakai, “Local Tunneling Barrier Height at and around Subsurface Dopant Sites on p-GaAs(110)” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 49, Art. 105201 (2010).
Y. Mizukami, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Transmission of Voltage Pulses through the Cu Single-Atom Contact” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,49, Art. 095203 (2010).
K. Horiguchi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Conductance and I-V characteristics of Au/BPY/Au single molecule junctions” JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 131, Art. 104703 (2009).
S. Kurokawa, Y. Miyawaki, and A. Sakai, “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observation of Sulfur Adsorbates on Au(111) at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 48, Art. 08JB12 (2009).
K. Horiguchi, M. Tutsui, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “Electron transmission characteristics of Au/1,4-benzenedithiol/Au junctions”, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 20, Art. 025204 (2009).
Y. Teramae, K. Horiguchi, S. Hashimoto, M. Tsutsui, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai, “High-bias breakdown of Au/1,4-benzenedithiol/Au junctions” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93, Art. 083121 (2008).
T. Iwanari, T. Sakata, Y. Miyake, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, “Conductance of Si nanowires formed by breaking Si-Si junctions” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 102, Art. 114312 (2007).
T. Kawamoto, M. Daisuke, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, “High-bias break of Sn nanocontacts”, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46, 7596 (2007).
R. Suzuki, M. Tsutsui, M. Daisuke, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, “Distribution of 1G(0) plateau length of Au contacts at room temperature” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46, 3694 (2007).
M. Tsutsui, S. Kurokawa, A. Sakai, “Bias-induced local heating in atom-sized metal contacts at 77 K” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 90, Art. 133121 (2007).
S. Fujii, S. Kurokawa, K. Murase, KH Lee, A. Sakai, H. Sugimura, “Self-assembled mixed monolayer containing ferrocenylthiol molecules: STM observations and electrochemical investigations”ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 52 , 4436 (2007).
M. Tsutsui, Y. Teramae, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai
“Local heating in noble metal nanocontacts under high biases at 77 K”
Applied Surface Science, 252, 8677 (2006).
M. Tsutsui, Y. Taninouchi, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai
“Bias-induced local heating effects on MWNT-Au contacts”
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 341-345 (2006).
Sung-Sik Chang, S. Kurokawa, and A. Sakai
“Luminescence Properties of Spark-Processed Si in Air, O2, and N2 with Low Pressure” Applied Surface Science 252, 4048-4054 (2006).
R. Suzuki, Y. Mukai, M. Tsutsui, S. Kurokawam, and A. Sakai, “Conductance of Atom-sized Zn Contacts” JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 45 , 7217(2006).
K. Kobayashi, S. Kurokawa, and A.Sakai,”Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Barrier-Height Imaging of Subsurface Dopants on GaAs(110)” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 8619-8624 (2005).
Sung-Sik Chang, Y. H. Jeong, and A. Sakai “Luminescence properties of surface oxidized porous Zn” Materials Sci. and Eng. B 122, 127-132 (2005).
T. Minowa, S. Kurokawa, and A Sakai “Break Conductance of Al Nanocontacts” Physica E 29, 495-499 (2005).
M. Tsutsui, S. Mitsuya, S. Kurokawa, and A Sakai “Conductance versus bias voltage characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes” Nanotechnology 16, 1863 (2005).
A. Fujii, M. Tsutsui, S. Kurokawa, and A Sakai “Break conductance of noble metal contacts” Phys. Rev. B 72, 045407 (2005).
T. Minowa, M. Tsutsui, S. Kurokawa, and A Sakai “Break Conductance of Pt Nanocontacts” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 6321-6326 (2005).
M. Tsutsui, Y. Taninouchi, S. Kurokawa, and A Sakai “Bias-induced local heating in Au nanocontacts at 77K” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 5188-5190 (2005).
T. Minowa, A. Fujii, M. Takeda, S. Kurokawa and A. Sakai “Conductance of Pd Single-Atom Contacts” Appl. Surf. Sci. 241, 14-17 (2005).